In Ant Does Detailwork, you control a small ant that works for a famous carpenter. He provides you with clean-cut wood pieces, trusting you to carve out the embellishments. Your job is to trace out the given patterns without getting lost in the details!

Your moveset is simple: you can move one tile in any direction, or charge up a jump that vaults you over one tile of wood and into the next. Any tile of wood you touch, you eat! If you eat a tile twice, you will bore a hole in it, and you'll have to start over.

This game works on keyboard and is additionally compatible with Xbox / PlayStation controllers.

❗ Controls:

  • W / Up Arrow / DPad Up / Right Joystick Up: Move Up
  • A / Left Arrow / DPad Left / Right Joystick Left: Move Left
  • S / Down Arrow / DPad Down / Right Joystick Down: Move Down
  • D / Right Arrow / DPad Right / Right Joystick Right: Move Right
  • (HOLD) Space / Shift / Left Trigger / Right Trigger: Charge Jump
  • Enter / Xbox A / PlayStation X: Accept
  • Escape / Xbox B / PlayStation Circle: Back
  • Backspace / Xbox Menu / PlayStation Options: Restart

Concept, sprites, code, and level design all done by me. Sound effects taken from
Game made for WPI New Tech Game Jam 2024. Godot's cool.


ADD V1 29 MB
ADD V1 23 MB
ADD V1 50 MB

Install instructions

Should be pretty standard to run, just exe files. Please let me know if any of the downloads do not work, however. This is the first game I've exported from Godot, so something could totally be wrong and I'm just not aware.

Also added a web build. You may encounter similar issues with the web build, and I apologize in that case.

Development log

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